Emory College is reimagining the liberal arts and sciences to help students address challenges around the world.

In an economy where disruption and rapid change are constants, the liberal arts and sciences are more essential than ever. Students emerge from Emory College more human and more humane, with the moral imagination to face larger issues with clarity and compassion.
Combining the strengths of a liberal arts college and the expertise of a research university, Emory creates purpose-driven alumni who approach the world as problem-solvers, communicators, and leaders.
Emory is the best place to work toward a better future. We have phenomenally bright, intellectually curious, hardworking students and a motivated faculty that cares about the social good.
Access for All Students

Key to a better future, access to higher education through scholarships is a social good. Opening up an Emory College education to the most talented students, no matter their income levels, benefits all students, their families, and the larger society.
Emory College provides experiences that foster growth and community engagement, so the best students find Emory irresistible. The generous scholarship support that 2O36 inspires will ensure that every student who meets the college’s high standards will be able to attend. Without the burden of education debt, students can explore the career paths that mean the most, which aren’t always the ones that pay the most.
Emory College has an extraordinary commitment to financial aid. We are committed to a need-blind admissions process and to meeting a student’s full demonstrated need—now without any expectation that a student take out loans. The resulting financial aid bill is more than $120M in the coming academic year, and only about 10% of that is currently funded through philanthropy. Our alumni and donors have stepped up to more than double the number of endowed scholarships in Emory College over the past 10 years. 2036 will continue that momentum for scholarships that can make an Emory experience accessible—and exceptional.
Equip Faculty for the Future

Preeminent in their fields and devoted to teaching and research, more than 550 Emory College faculty reach across 50 departments and programs to equip students with the tools to explore lifelong passions. With 2O36, we will continue to grow an Emory College faculty who have both the potential to change the lives of students in the classroom and how the world approaches the most important questions of our time through their work in the lab, library, and stage.
Through generous endowment support, Emory will be a destination, rather than a stepping stone, for extraordinary faculty. Professorships will attract and retain leaders who are moving their disciplines forward and who will sharpen Emory's trajectory in teaching and research. New professorships will retain rising-star faculty, who, as they gain prominence at Emory, may consider taking their talents to other universities.
These faculty leaders strengthen the research and teaching profiles of key departments, driving discovery in the natural sciences and quantitative methods and producing knowledge about history, culture, society, and many other areas.
Jericho Brown

Cultivate the Arts

Atlanta is a thriving, global, city, with distinct history, voices, and potential to center artistic production within a research university. We will measurably change the footprint and prominence of the arts on campus, in the city of Atlanta, and far beyond. For a campus without Division 1 athletics, the arts take Emory into Atlanta and bring the city to our students—through performances, collaborations, and engagement with local visiting artists, fellows, and teachers.
Cultivating the arts expands the undergraduate experience, improves access to forms of creative and intellectual expression, and creates lasting, productive partnerships across creative disciplines. Funding fellowships and residencies in film, music, dance, theater, and creative writing while hosting internationally respected artists offers students ways to take big risks, pursue careers that align with their passions, and change the world by changing hearts.
Investing in the arts gives voice to those unheard, canvas to those unseen, and shape to the way we understand humanity through creative expression. Emory College can lead the national creative conversation through the work of our students, faculty, alumni, and those who come here to perform and teach.
Carol Anderson