Everything we accomplish is powered by our professors, who embody Emory's distinctive aspiration to transform the world by serving others.

Emory has an expansive vision of our responsibility to humanity. Endowed professorships fuel discovery, incubate new ideas, and cultivate leaders of the future.
President, Emory University
Attract top scholars

Emory attracts top-tier faculty members with a proven track record of furthering knowledge and improving society. These leaders excel as teachers, advisers, and intellectual role models. Endowing professorships enables Emory to hire the best minds to cultivate a powerful, interdisciplinary experience that positions our students for success in life.
Advance Emory’s academic and research reputation

Endowing professorships strengthens our research and teaching profile across the nation and around the world. These professorships encourage rising stars and help make Emory a destination—rather than a stepping stone—for advancement. Professorships create an impact beyond the academy, too, as Emory faculty members lead international discussions that define public scholarship, inform policy, and spark lasting change.
Cultivate an intellectual community

Through teaching, research, and service, our faculty members help Emory create an inquiry-driven, ethically engaged, and inclusive intellectual community. They are distinguished scientists, researchers, authors, and thought leaders with a strong commitment to their students. Your support enables faculty members to prepare learners at all levels—from undergraduates to professionals—to make meaningful, lasting contributions in communities worldwide.
Build a legacy

Endowing a professorship is a powerful way to support Emory’s mission to apply knowledge in service of humanity. Professorships drive academic and research excellence, which advances Emory's reputation and enhances the student experience within and beyond the classroom. By endowing professorships, donors can build a legacy for themselves and their families that reflects their commitment to education.
President Gregory L. Fenves has established the $25 million Faculty Eminence Initiative through the Presidential Initiatives Fund to incentivize new professorship endowments.
How it Works
The Faculty Eminence Initiative unlocks matched funding, on a 2:1 basis, when a donor commits at least $1 million to establish an endowed professorship for rising stars or $2 million to establish an endowed distinguished professorship for top scholars.
Matched funds are available for new faculty endowments across Emory’s schools and colleges. Gifts must be committed through a gift agreement and paid within five years. For distinguished professorships, the maximum match amount is $1 million.